Financial & Professional Services

Comprising the largest number of Australia’s knowledge workers,  this service-driven sector has undergone immense change following the Covid pandemic. With hybrid workforces, this sector has its own unique challenges related to workplace isolation, sedentary work, ergonomic issues, and mental health concerns.

Key regulatory changes regarding psychosocial risk management and Respect at Work has required a greater focus on workplace culture and behaviour, job design, leadership development and support and effective tertiary interventions to enhance workers’ physical and mental wellbeing.

How can we assist?

Shared Safety and Risk have assisted small to large multi-national clients navigate these varied risks and challenges to identify challenges and risks and develop tailored solutions to not only meet compliance but allow a flourishing and safe, healthy and productive workplace.

We develop bespoke health, safety and wellbeing management systems tailored to the work environment and risks; inhouse and virtual workplace inspections and ergonomic assessments and psychosocial risk reviews. 



